Alex Hunter and Coke Zero in FIFA18

Alex Hunter, the star of FIFA 18's 'The Journey' is drinking Coke Zero!  The Journey allows FIFA18 players to effectively play as a character and take decisions that effect how the narrative unveils.  Alex Hunter is the centre of The Journey and FIFA18 players will now see him attached to the Coke Zero brand.

Alex Hunter Coke Zero FIFA18
Alex Hunter Coke Zero in FIFA18
Called 'Uplifted Alex' a FIFA18 preview film has been released to show Alex Hunter and Coke Zero too:

The Coke Zero Alex Hunter tie up follows FIFA17 where Alex Hunter was partnered with Adidas and seen in a film with a virtual Angel Di Maria:

Expect more of this as games develop story modes and brands seek interesting ways to connect with video game gaming audiences - Alex Hunter and Coke Zero in FIFA18 is just the beginning!

[*Coca-Cola are a client of my company, but I was not directly involved in this activity - I am highlighting it simply because I like it!]

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