“Some of the most crucial steps in mental growth are based not simply on acquiring new skills, but on acquiring new administrative ways to use what one already knows.” [Papert's Principle] Marvin Minsky was the co-founder of the MIT Artificial Intelligence Project (later the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory) whose co-director of Seymour Papert's name he used to illustrate an important learning principle. Papert worked on learning theories focusing on the impact new technologies had on learning in general, and in schools as learning organizations in particular. Our ability to use the knowledge we already have is based on practicing thinking. Thanks to his work on creating AI, thus to understand human intelligence, Minsky explored themes like value of negative knowledge, things like knowing how to intercept and interdict unproductive lines of thought, for example. Minsky's fascination with the mind led to the publication of The Society of Mind, an exploration of...
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